Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Once's been too long. Tons of things have gone on since Halloween. Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went to Ruston and had Thanksgiving with my mommy's family. It's really fun when we go to Ruston, because I get to visit with all my cousins and aunts and uncles that hardly ever see. Let's see ....we also went to a surprise party for Olive Ann.... she was so happy and surprised that she almost cried. But the really big surprise was getting a letter in the mail a couple of weeks ago about a big Christmas party for graduates from the NICU at Shumpert. My mommy was so excited because that meant we would be going too see our doctors, nurses, etc.... Well, that party was this past Sunday and we were able to see Dr Elrod and Dr Pettit. Joyce one of my nurses and well, just too many to name. Oh my and the babies! They were everywhere. Tons of people packed this big mommy thinks at least 200 people and they kept a comin'! TV cameras everywhere, tons of huggins' going on, people was a wonderful thing to see. The hospital looks a little different too! Bright colors greet you at the entrance now and bright red and blue tiles lead you down the hall. The one person that I did miss was my NICU sister, Ava. However, she and her family were in our thoughts! My mommy still gets teary when she thinks about how wonderful prayer is, and how you just have to let God take over sometimes!