bow and shoes are still in tact after church. This rarely happens!

Yesterday, I went to Carolyne's (cousin) birthday party. She turned three years old and LOOK at all the neat toys she got.... She stayed busy playing so we didn't get have our picture taken with her. That's my younger cousin Harlee(8 months old) with me in the chair.
Do you think I like the camera?
I love Dolly!
My mommy bought me some pink boots and it's ALL I want to wear. If I find them, I pick them up and take them to her and grunt for her to put them on...I luv'em!
Yes, once again, it's been a while since my mommy posted. August, as always, is a very busy month because of all the birthdays....(big deep breath) Happy Birthday Granny B, Cade, Gene, Nonnie, Stratton, and then last Sunday Jeananne (Sept 3rd)...whew! August is definitely not the month to go on a diet! I also went to my first football game and helped cheer the Tigers to victory! Of course, I had my RED and WHITE!