My mommy had a big surprise for me today. After seeing Stephanie, we went to visit my neonatologist, Dr. Elrod and the nurses that helped me become strong. They were all so proud to see me and couldn't get over how much I had grown. Dr. Elrod showed me off to another baby's mommy that was in NICU and said, "see, they do grow!" That mommy seemed so happy and even more hopeful. Me and my mommy both understand that it takes a lot of prayer and faith to get through the tough stuff. God bless all the babies!! You think she's proud of me??????
Oh boy! I'm going to be six months old in one week. So, today my mommy took me to Shreveport, to see my OT, Stephanie. She wanted to evaluate me and see how I was progressing. We played and played. She taught my mommy more exercises to do with my hips and shoulders to make me stronger. She had tons of fun toys to play with, and she was really impressed how I focused on objects. Then, I surprised her....I grabbed the purple necklace she was holding. She thinks that I am acting like a five month old....remember, I was eleven weeks early (I'm suppose to be only 3 months old by now)!

Look at me! I'm sitting in my bumbo seat all by myself. And look at my shoes! Pink with bows.
Last night, my mommy invited Karley and Kalyn (parents came too) over to our house. This is the first time someone my age (Karley) has been at my house to eat dinner. It's so neat to finally have someone close to my size over. My mommy was going to take a picture of the two us, but I kinda got sleepy. Ms Kristy told my mommy to enjoy it! We'll get a picture next time. It will probably be a silly picture, so when we're older our mommies can embarrass us!
I have to show off my pretty Sunday dress. This is me at my Nonnie and Gene's after church.

Bath time is my favorite. I smile and laugh while my mommy soaps me up and how I love that warm water! We also do facials. This is definitely my kinda play because I know after a bath I will be getting a massage. Oh, but how my mommy might regret this a little later
We've had a busy week, so far. On Tuesday, Alexa came over while her mommy went to the dentist. She played and played and I watched and watched. I can't wait until I can play with her. Then we all went to lunch. Today, me and mommy met Ms Diane Jordan at Fox's. That pizza sure does look interesting. I bet that one day I will really like it. She also gave me a book that she read to her babies Christopher and Hannah. I can't wait until tonight so my mommy can read it to me.
The second milestone is one that I've kinda practiced in the past few weeks. My mommy put me down for a nap, on my belly, she came in to check on me and found me like this....
She's so proud!

We've had a couple of milestones today. First, I tried eating rice cereal.....with a spoon. I liked it. Well, I think I liked it. Anyway, this something my mommy said we were going to practice every day! It's kinda messy though.
It's been a while since my mommy posted anything new on my website. That's because we've been watching all the tragedy with the southeastern part of our state and the gulf coast. My mommy thought it would be a good idea to go through some of my baby clothes and bottles that we've never used, etc....My mommy took it to the local shelter and met a few of the people. They were so nice and appreciated everything that our community had and will continue to do for them. Every night we say a special prayer for everyone, especially the babies! If we could, we would take care of all!