I finally made it to TWO!!!!! I am now 24 pounds and 34 inches tall. That's a big difference from 2 pounds 3 ounces and 14 inches long! Hard to believe it's been two years and I have definitely not missed a step. My mommy says that I am getting faster everyday and into EVERYTHING! I find stuff that she hasn't seen in a long time. I am talking more...but some people have no idea what I am saying...what's up with that? I like to list everyone's name and emphasize on the word 'and' when reciting my list. Mommy AND Daddy And Jake And Riwee (Riley)....it's really funny! I like to boss...my mommy thinks it's cute but will probably have show me how to tone it down a bit, the older I get. Some times they call me "Ms Priss Pot".
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